The Chamber


GREEN ENERGY FOR GREEN COMPANIES – GR.ENE.CO The project was funded by the ENPI CBC Med program of the European Union for cross-border cooperation in

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Mediterranean Bee Hubs in support for sustainable economic prosperity in deprived rural areas. The project in brief The general objective of MedBEESinessHubs is to support

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“Ideas: the ecosystem of innovation in Sardinia in the Mediterranean” is the title of the project that the Italian Arab Chamber of Cooperation, with the

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Corporate bodies

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rocco GALLUCCI, President Gian Battista USAI, Vicepresident Fulvio DEGRASSI Francesco FABIANO Roberto FUZIO Fabio GALLIGANI Roberto RICCI Tarek ABBASSI Majida MCHEIK SCIENTIFIC

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Join the Chamber

ORDINARY MEMBERS Duration: 12 months Effective date: From receipt of the membership application and membership fee Membership fee: for companies with capital of less than

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Promote access to credit for usually non-bankable individuals and support the creation of new economic and professional opportunities capable of contributing to the path of

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