Business missions in Arab countries

Periodically, the CCIA  organizes commercial missions in Arab countries, aimed at Italian companies interested in promoting their commercial exchange with Arab countries or in evaluating investment and joint-venture opportunities. The detailed program, costs and registration procedures are normally available 45 days before the date of each mission.

How to participate in the missions

Direct participation

The success of the missions is guaranteed by the deep knowledge of the Arab markets and economic actors that the CCIA   has accumulated in its many years of experience, by the collaboration that will be provided by the Federations and by the individual Chambers of Commerce of the Arab countries touched.
In addition to the appointments with local operators at the offices of their companies, which will be preliminarily fixed for each participant on the basis of the specific profiles and interests indicated by him thanks to the presence on site a few days before the mission of a CCIA official, there will be facetious meetings – face with counterparties.
Participants will be provided with a detailed presentation sheet of the Arab country concerned, complete with all information relating to the economy, trade with Italy, trade, tax and labor regulations and opportunities, aid and investment regime.

Participation through the service company of  CCIA

In addition to direct participation, companies are also offered the opportunity to be represented by the CCIA service company, which will present company catalogs and all the information entrusted to it during business-to-business meetings, gathering the contacts of interested counterparties, which will subsequently be transmitted to Italian companies.

12 June 2016
15 June 2016
    La Camera di Commercio Italo-Araba ha organizzato dal 12 al 15 giugno una missione commerciale negli Emirati Arabi Uniti (in particolare negli…