Access to finance is still a great barrier to business development in the Mediterranean.
This is especially true when it comes to young entrepreneurs who have to struggle far more than average to get adequate funding. ReSt @ rts intends to break down this entrepreneurial obstacle by supporting the so-called “non-bankable” subjects.
The overall objective of MedBEESinessHubs is to support the economies of disadvantaged rural communities in the Mediterranean regions of Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon and Palestine.
Promote access to credit for usually non-bankable individuals and support the creation of new economic and professional opportunities capable of contributing to the path of social inclusion and the fight against unemployment for economically fragile individuals (young and unemployed).
The project was funded by the ENPI CBC Med program of the European Union for cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean basin for the period 2007/2013. GR.ENE.CO arises from the need to improve energy efficiency in the Mediterranean, spreading the use of renewable energy as the main power source, especially at the agricultural level.