Services to members


The CCIA   carries out numerous activities to increase Italian-Arab economic relations, disseminate knowledge of the respective production systems and sectors, promote the transfer of technology and the exchange of goods and services, promote the establishment of mixed companies:

  • organizes missions of operators to and from Arab countries;
  • organizes meetings, conferences and other events to spread knowledge of individual Arab countries;
  • makes economic, commercial, legislative and political information available to Italian operators, collected periodically and published on its website (including a weekly newsletter containing economic and commercial news and open calls in Arab countries);
  • promotes studies and market research (the CCIA documentation center carries out thematic studies and research in legislative, financial, political and commercial matters, with particular reference to the diachronic development of trade between Italy and the Arab countries);
  • stimulates the participation of economic operators in fairs and exhibitions;
  • participates in calls for tenders and tenders launched by national and international public bodies having an object correlated with the purposes and activities of the CCIA;
  • provides every possible assistance to avoid the arising and settle disputes between Italian and Arab subjects.


 Documentation Center

For each Arab country, information is constantly updated and processed on:

  • state order, political and social framework;
  • economic policy, state budget, balance of payments, privatizations;
  • production structure: mineral resources, agriculture, manufacturing industry and its main sectors, construction, electricity, water, trade, tourism, telecommunications and transport, financial sector;
  • foreign trade (composition, destination and origin of goods);
  • interchange with Italy;
  • country risk, credit insurance, financing;
  • regulation of foreign and internal trade (agency and distribution relations, sponsorship, regulations
  • techniques, duties, customs, intellectual property, trademarks, patents;
  • investment law, corporate law, tax law, labor law.


Commercial promotion

Economic missions in Arab countries

The business missions allow a range of contacts with local administrations and entrepreneurs, made through B to B meetings and company visits, defined in advance based on the requests of the participating companies. Alongside multi-sectoral missions, at the request of business associations, chambers of commerce, consortia, industrial districts or as part of regional internationalization programs, sector or area missions are organized. The Chamber of Commerce   also organizes scheduled meetings with foreign operators previously selected also for individual companies.

Delegations of Arab economic operators

They provide for one or more meetings in Italy between delegations organized by the Chambers of Commerce and Industrial Associations of the Arab country and the members of the CCIA. Direct meetings between operators and visits to Italian companies and specialized fairs are normally scheduled.


Promotion of the participation of Italian entrepreneurs in international fairs in the Arab world.

Organization of the participation of Arab entrepreneurs in Italian fairs. The CCIA  also organizes events and collateral meetings during the main trade fairs in Italy and in Arab countries.


Thematic meetings and theoretical-practical refresher courses aimed at entrepreneurs interested in operating in the different realities of the Arab world and investigating new opportunities and methods of economic collaboration.