MEDSt@rts project: the Arab-Italian Cooperation Chamber launches the Italian cycle of Local Microfinance Forums

As part of the project “MEDSt@rts: Med microfinance support system for start-ups”, the Arab-Italian Cooperation Chamber is holding the Local Microfinance Forums, a series of events dedicated to Italian microfinance and microcredit actors.

The project is funded with 2,547,935.73 euros (90% of the total budget) by the 2014-2020 ENI CBC Med Programme, an initiative implemented by the European Union for cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin. The MEDSt@rts project involves five countries (Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Lebanon and Palestine) and has the Fondazione di Sardegna as Lead Partner. The other partners are: SFIRS SpA (Italy), the Italian-Arab Chamber of Cooperation (Italy), the Chamber of Commerce of Achaia (Greece), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sfax (Tunisia), LEADERS Organization (Palestine) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of South Lebanon (Lebanon). Finally, the Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma (Italy) is an Associated Partner

MEDSt@rts’ main objective is to design a common cross-border strategy for financial inclusion, facilitating access to funding and developing an innovative supporting model for business creation, which could be replicated in different contexts.

From this perspective, microfinance actors can effectively contribute to the development of new entrepreneurial paths and joint initiatives, playing an active role in the transnational network that is being established.

These actors are therefore the protagonists of the Forums promoted by the partners at the local level, with the objective of creating a network of the most important public and private institutions of the microfinance sector in order to design or orient specific investment programs starting from the results of the first analyses carried out.

To participate in the events promoted in Italy by the Chamber you have to register using the dedicated form, after consulting the complete program.

Each forum will be held online on the Zoom platform and will be delayed broadcast on Matex, channel 272 on the Italian DTTV, and on demand through the online platform The forums will also be live-streamed on Matex Facebook page and in cross-posting on the MEDSt@rts Facebook page.

The meetings are open to all and are especially aimed at public and private institutions, trade unions, employers, businesses, startups and every individual or organization that are interested in the topics of microfinance and access to funding for SMEs, women and young people.

The first part of each meeting will be dedicated to the presentation of various topics related to microfinance; the second part will consist in a guided discussion on the same topics, working toward the progressive definition of a local microfinance program